The Sailing Ship “Portus Veneris”
It is the flagship of the fleet of the Boat Museum and the first emblem of the Port Museum of Tricase, whose ancient name it bears. Its history has a big symbolic importance: its journey ended in Tricase Porto in May 2002, bringing 98 Iraqi Kurdish refugees to Italy, fleeing their lands. Widespread throughout the Aegean and the Levant Sea, its typology was known in Greece with the name of Trechandìri and in Turkey as Tirhandìl, a typology of sailing ships that for centuries have connected the shores of the east of the Mediterranean by sea with the Italian shores and in with the coast of Salento. Over 100 years old, it represents a unique specimen, still armed with two masts and two Latin sails, plus a series of flakes, according to the most ancient tradition. The sailing ship Portus Veneris is a traveling museum, home to cultural events and appointments, as well as an institutional representation, a school ship where you can learn and practice traditional maneuvers, the sailing soil of the Municipality of Tricase that holds the property, symbol of the historical bond with other peoples of the Mediterranean.