Culture, Nature and Beauty… In the Port Museum

  • Associazione Magna Grecia Mare
    Association for the protection and dissemination of traditional seafaring and the marine environment. Co-founder (together with CIHEAM Bari, the City of Tricase and the Regional Natural Park Costa Otranto Santa Marina di Leuca and Bosco di Tricase) and animating body and coordinator of the Port Museum of Tricase
    FB: @magnagreciamare association
  • Associazione Coppula Tisa
    Voluntary non-profit organization of Salento promotes beauty and horizontal subsidiarity with good practices of active citizenship, ecology, legality and solidarity participation for the protection of the environment, territory and health
  • APS Marina Serra
    Association for the promotion and protection of the territory of Marina Serra in Tricase (LE), through cultural, artistic, agricultural, environmental initiatives and courses
    FB: @marina.serra.144
  • Tricasèmia
    Association for the promotion of the territory that proposes itself as a lively propeller of active energies for our city, setting as objectives the principles of collaboration and sharing
    FB: @Tricasemia
  • Liquilab
    Association that deals with the identification, preservation, enhancement and transmission of intangible cultural heritage through the recovery of ancient, modern and intercultural memory
  • Salento International Film Festival
    A well-established reality in the panorama of film events, its goal is to highlight all the nuances of the art of film, presenting a preview of some of the best independent films from around the world
  • Associazione Libeccio
    Associazione culturale ricreativa LIBECCIO, has as its objective the promotion of the territory, through initiatives of cultural interest aimed at the development of tourism and the enhancement of traditions (at the moment, it has not signed the Charter of the Principles of the Port Museum of Tricase)
    FB: Libeccio Association
  • Associazione Maestrale 
    Cultural Association, aims to promote the territory through initiatives of artistic and socio-cultural interest.
  • Due Lune Teatro Tenda 
    Association that promotes processes of change, in the sign of education to active citizenship, welcome and attention to the field of social inclusion in the broadest sense
  • A.LIB.I. Artisti Liberi Indipendenti 
    Theatre company and meeting place for artists coming from different places and formations but in continuous contact and dialogue with the territory in which it operates
  • Associazione Tina Lambrini – Casa Comi 
    Association “Tina Lambrini – Casa Comi” is engaged in projects and paths to enhance and spread the history and cultural heritage of the Salento poet Girolamo Comi and Palazzo Comi – Casa Museo
  • Rotary Club Tricase – Capo di Leuca 
    Worldwide association of entrepreneurs and professionals that promotes respect for friendship and the privilege of collaborating by putting their experience, resources, and professional skills at the service of others, sharing the core values of the Rotary spirit such as integrity, diversity, service, leadership, and friendship